Chamber Theater Production

We were so lucky to have a traveling theater group stop by at are school and we got to see them preform the monkeys paw and the necklace. They were so good because you could tell that they spent and put a lot of time into it. The play started out with the main characters coming out and introducing the monkeys paw from there bad things would happen to them. What I like the most was that they never broke character and it almost seemed like they didn’t know I was there. Also. The scenery was amazing in how realistic it was. They also had all of the sound match the background and the screen to show what the did. The second performance was called the Necklace. It was about a poor couple that wanted to be look rich so the wife borrowed a very expensive necklace and lost it so she and her husband “work for ten years to try to pay the money back and buy a new one. When she finally earns the money back she tells the person and she says that it was fake and it only costs ten dollars.

Colonel Terry Virts

Terry Virts is an astronaut that went to the International Space Station. He was at the station for about six mouths and took some amazing photos for the space station and ran a lot a science experiments. Once he goy back to Earth he wrote a book called The Astronaut’s Guide To Leaving The Planet. He did a book talk and talk to us about what it was like preparing to go yo the space station then what it was like actually there.

Before when he was a kid he had always dreamed of being a astronaut from a very young age he would even build model rockets. When he was in his teens he still wanted to be an astronaut so he followed what other astronauts had done and he joined the Air Force.

Then he showed us how he trained to be an astronaut. He showed us a model space station that is in a swimming pool so that they could practice fixing things on the outside of the ship.

Wikipedia Commons

Next he showed us the photos that he took from this room on the bottom of the space station. He said that is were he spent most of his time when he was at the station. One of the most interesting parts about what he told us was how he slept. He said that he brought a sleeping bag and you would tie your sleeping bad to the wall and you would just float around when you slept. It was really awesome to have an astronaut come to our school and he was really inspiring.

My Story

Judge (The Dog)

The story of judge:

Episode I : The Invincible Dog

The day before we left for Hilton Head Island South Carolina, Judge came up to me with his bone chew toy and dropped it at my feet. I am still mad that they wouldn’t let me bring him. I through his chew toy like I always do and he sped through the air like a swordfish does with the sea. And like that he was gone. I heaved my suitcase over my shoulder and struggled down the stairs. Then I loaded the car and we were off…

As we pulled into to the driveway we saw Judge sprit across are yard and sat by my dads door. I just couldn’t wait to see him I could all ready feel his fur. I closed the door of the car then I heard a high pitched scream that came from my dad. I looked over and saw his hand 5 inches in Judge’s neck’. Later we found out the the dog had been run over by a car.

Episode ll : Bad Dog

I was so excited to go to the park. We are going to the park with the pond of geese and the cool playground. Judge was more excited than usual. He looked like he was ready to run and play. It was a 10 minute drive to get to the playground

Once we were there we let judge out of the car and we were heading to the playground when we heard a splash and we looked and saw judge swimming after the ducks. All of the people around were screaming at him. That’s when the worst thing happened at Judge bit down hard on one of the ducks and it died. At this point my family and I thought oh no he is going to bring the duck back to us. So we all got back in the car. That’s when the unthinkable happened and the people at the Lake started throwing Rocks at Judge. He then made a beeline for our car with the Duck still in his mouth. Once he got to the car he sat there wagging his tail. My Mom rolled down her window and told the judge to drop the duck, but he just tilted his head like he didn’t understand. The people at the lake were closing in on the car then finally Judge dropped the Duck and I opened the car door and he jumped in just in time. The people from the lake were about 10 feet away when we sped off.

Stock Market Project

I class this trimester we have been reading an awesome mystery book called the Westing Game. In the book their is a character that loves the stock Market and invested $10,000 into it. So my teacher had us play the stock Market like this character. She gave us $20,000 fake dollars to invest in. She also let the class have a partner in the project and I decided to have a partner. These are the stocks that we invested in.

So far we are down a lot of $ but it has been a lot of fun to watch the market and see how hard it is to play the market. First, we invested in Axon Enterprises because it has had a very good trend in the last three moths and we want it to keep up the trend. Second, we invested in Chesapeake Energy because in two years it has doubled how much it costs. Third, we invested in Coca-Cola because it is a very inexpensive and it might gain us a few dollars a share and we have 11 shares. Fourth, we invested in Adobe, since it is a very expensive stock we were thinking that it is going to fluctuate up so we bought twenty shares of it.  Fifth, we invested in Boeing, we bought them when they were down so we have hopes that it will skip rocket. We coded our website to update automatically when that market changes. My partner and I also designed a logo for our fake company this is it.

Mi opinión de Durham


Asunto: Mi opinión de Durham

Estimado Luisa

Hola, Luisa, yo voy a hablar de mi opinión Durham.

Primavera, el teatro Carolina. En el teatro Carolina puedes ver películas. En mi opinión el teatro Carolina es muy moderno y bonito.

Segundo, La casa de mi amigo. En la casa de mi amigo, puedes jugar baloncesto y jugar fútbol americano. En mi opinión la casa de mi amigo es muy divertida y fantástica.

Tercero, los jardínes de Sara P. Duke. En los jardínes de Sara P. Duke, puedes mirar las plantas. En mi opinión los jardínes de Sara P. Duke es bonito y antiguo.

Finalmente, mi casa. En mi casa, puedes jugar baloncesto y jugar lacrosse. En mi opinión mi casa es muy moderna y divertida.

Atentamente, Graysen

Gracias por su atención.